Wall Street List Message Broadcasting
WallStreetList.com will broadcast your pre-recorded message anywhere in the United States and Canada at the lowest cost, guaranteed! Just select from one of our two simple pricing plans, record your outgoing message, and start your calls! You can either (1) pay ONLY for transferred calls (Press-1 Responses) or (2) pay ONLY per minute. You can even change your pricing plan to whichever will costs you less at any time! You will always be in complete control over your campaign 24/7 via our Web Based Account Management System. Additionally, we provide you unlimited access to the largest national consumer and business database available included as part of our service! We get your message out FAST and with instant results!
Can Your Current Voice Broadcasting Platform ….
- Automatically E-Mail You Contact Information On EVERY Incoming Caller?
- Record All Calls for Quality Assurance and Training?
- Generate Up-To-The-Second Reports Anytime 24/7?
- Temporarily Stop All Outgoing Calls When Your Agents Are On the Phone?
- Provide Access to A National Calling Database?
- Provide National Do-Not-Call List Cleaning & Do-Not-Call List Processing?
- Provide You With A Voicemail Box To Transfer Your Calls To?
- Allow Choose Your Own Caller-ID for the Outgoing Calls?
- Offer you NO LONG TERM Commitments?
… all of this and much more is INCLUDED with our service.
……. Please See Our Features Section For A Complete List Of Our Available Features …….
It’s rare to find guaranteed network reliability and rock bottom rates at the same time. We stand by our network by offering Service Level Agreements and Operating Level Agreements for our enterprise level users ensuring system reliability, calling capacity, and network uptime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more details on our unique and proprietary innovations see our “Features” Section.